AGM 2024

The 2024 AGM will be held on April 4th at 5pm. Voting will be open for 24 hours, starting on April 3rd at 5pm, and closing on April 4th at 5pm, prior to the AGM.

If you would like to run for a position, you must state your intent to run by 5pm April 2nd, and you must have already purchased a Physsoc membership. Please email with your intent to run. You may optionally prepare a few words about why you’d like to run that will be on the voting form. Below are the positions available, and their responsibilities. Note that you do not need to be in the department of physics and astronomy to run for the available positions, everyone is welcome! Please feel free to email us any questions about the roles and the elections.

Elections Picture



President (2)

The President is responsible for overseeing all of Physsoc’s operations and providing leadership, support, and guidance while planning and running annual social and academic events, the creation of new events, maintaining and creating new resources for students, and communicating with the department. The President holds weekly council meetings and ensures council members are fulfilling their role’s requirements. Other responsibilities include helping to maintain the lounge, organizing the bi-election and AGM, and maintaining communication through the email, facebook, instagram, and discord. The President takes on the responsibilities of other roles when needed.

VP Academic (2)

The VP Academic is responsible for planning all of Physsoc’s academic events, and delegating tasks to the academic coordinators. The main events are the Python and LaTeX review sessions held both terms, as well as Beef&Pizza, midterm review sessions, Pizza with Profs, and the UBC PHAS Alumni networking event. VP Academic may also create resources such as new exam packs.

VP Social (2)

The VP Social is responsible for planning all of Physsoc’s social events, and delegating tasks to the social coordinators. Highlights include our welcome back BBQ, collaborations between clubs, and the annual wine and cheese. Other events include bi-weekly social events which have been both in person and online, and can range from movie nights, to trivia nights, to Jeopardy.

VP Finance

The VP Finance is responsible for managing Physsoc’s finances. Tasks include managing member payments, applying to grants, and keeping track of all of Physsoc’s expenses.


The secretary coordinates and moderates Council meetings. They are responsible for taking Meeting Minutes, and sending them to council members via email. Within their portfolio, they are responsible for finding a time for council meetings, creating annual t-shirts, and leading the Annual General Meeting. The secretary is also encouraged to ensure strong organization within the council, and keep to agreed timelines (both within meetings and on a year-long scale).

Academic Coordinators (2)

The academic coordinators report to the VP Academic, and assist the VP Academic with their portfolio. They help run events such as our annual Beef&Pizza, Python workshops, LaTeX workshops, and midterm review sessions. They may also help to create resources such as new exam packs.

Social Coordinators (2)

The social coordinators report to the VP Social, and assist the VP Social with their portfolio. In particular, they responsible for assisting biweekly social events, the semesterly Wine & Cheese event, and the end-of-year dinner. In addition to these events, the social coordinators are encouraged to focus and direct the council to provide unique social events. They also may help with social media and marketing.


Represent Physsoc and all PHAS students to the Science Undergraduate Society. Act as the communication between SUS and Physsoc.

Mentorship Coordinator

The mentorship coordinator is responsible for organizing Physsoc’s newly relaunched mentorship program in collaboration with the GSA. Manage mentee and mentor applications, pair mentees with mentors, and organize mentorship specific events such as the launch event in September and year end celebration.

Photographer/Videographer/Photo and Video Editor (1)

We are offering a council position for students with a knack and passion for photography and videography. This individual will be responsible for attending events and taking photos and videos to be used on our socials, the website, and newsletter. They will create video content throughout the year with a focus on a year end video documenting what we do as a club and why you should be involved with Physsoc. This video will potentially be used by the department to promote Physsoc.

Media Coordinator (1)

The media coordinator is responsible for all advertising and media relations. Responsibilities include designing graphics promoting social and academic events and physsoc projects. The media coordinator is responsible for organizing and facilitating posts to the website, discord, Facebook, and instagram in a timely manner. They will organize the monthly newsletter. They may choose to create/update additional social medias, such as the Physsoc twitter.

Graduating Student Rep (1)

The Graduating Student Rep. is responsible for student input for matters of graduation. This includes the accurate representation of student leaders of UBC PHAS, creating feedback surveys, and liaising between Artona and UBC Physics Society, which includes arranging the council-wide photo with Artona.

Discord Manager (1)

Discord manager is responsible for facilitating the management and moderation of the Discord server and monitoring it with the help of council for any post that goes against the rules.

Culinary Coordinator (1)

The Culinary Coordinator is in charge of restocking the vending machines. Within their portfolio, the Culinary Coordinators are responsible for replacing the Society’s broken vending machine. Any expenses incurred by the Culinary Coordinator are reimbursed by the club.